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Stain and odor removal Toronto.

On this article we will share some tips on how to remove stain and unwanted odor from different surfaces, caused by different strainers. Being ourselves one of the stain and odor removers in Toronto, we believe that our info would be a helpful material. Stains occur in many areas of our spaces, but they are intolerable when they can’t be hidden. From the most delicate areas of our home; our mattresses, pillows, bed covers to the most neglected areas, the rugs and mats their presence is undeniable in every house. Luckily in most cases the same techniques and materials used to eradicate unwanted odor can be the same in eradicating the stain, if caused thereby.

Sweat, urine removal from mattresses and pillow cases

There are three alternatives to do this task:

  • First thing to do when you have baby or dog urine on either your pillow case or mattress is to damp off the stained area with water and then sprinkle borax over it or
  • Damp off the stained area with vinegar and water, then sprinkle baking soda and rub upon the stained area very well. After drying the spot, vacuum up the dried baking soda off the surface
  • Or you can use the aid of bioenzymatic pet odor neutralizer. The enzymes in this product destroys and eliminates all animal based stains and odor. Enzyme based pet odor eliminators are also found at select pet stores and or at Home Hardware shops.

Enzyme odor eliminators are the safest and most effective odor neutralizers on the market. On the other hand chemically enhanced once do nothing to break down or eliminate stains and odors.

Feces and vomit

  • Scrape the solids off the surface and then treat the spot with bioenzymatic odor neutralizer. Always follow the directions on the package label.
  • Or scrape the solids off the surface, then treat the area with vinegar and baking soda. Wait until the sizzle stops, then blot the liquid up with a clean, dry, absorbent rag. Repeat action upon necessity.

Ink and blood

  • Rub off with a sponge as much of the stain as possible with cold water and a little bit castile soap. Wipe it from the less affected to the inside. Soak up the excess moisture with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat if necessary.
  • Or after sponging off as much of the blood or ink as possible, pour a capful of straight 3 percent hydrogen peroxide on the stain and let it dry.
  • Or after you have sponged up the ink or blood, use a bioenzymatic cleaner to eradicate the blood stain.

All materials mentioned are eco- friendly and without y possible threat to humans and pets.  The above stated techniques should be a very helpful kit in stain and odor eradication, once implemented in the proper order. However there is a better way to save time, as bearers of good news we would like to announce to you that Always Tidy is committed in providing services of the like. We provide stain and odor removal in Toronto.